martes, 15 de octubre de 2019

Post 3: My favorite thing

My favorite object when I was a little is a toy called "littlest pet shop". They are a little animals with eyes so biggest and cute.

Resultado de imagen para littlest pet shop logo
I got my first littlest pet shop when I was 7 years old.

I played with these toys all days and everywhere; in the school, the pool,  home, the car, etc.

I liked these toys because I always loved the animals, and these toys are so cutiest, and from all the animals can you imagine, it could be yours. I have a big collection of more than 100!

These toys were so important to me when I was little, because I was a girl with a few friends, and these toys were my distraction all the time :)

martes, 1 de octubre de 2019

Blog Number 2

What´s your opinion?

1- What is your opinion about buying instead of adopting pets?

I think the animals deserve the same respect as humans, because they have feeling like us, and they are so inteligent to me. For this reason, the humans can´t buy pets, because their lives is not an object. 
Adopt, don't buy. 

2- What is your opinion about animal testing?

In my opinion, is not necesary use animals for testing nothing. Why do the scientists use mouse, or frogs and not can use a human? why is the human  more important than an animal? 
This is not correct; all the animals deserve the same respect as humans. 

3- What is your opinion about legalization of abortion in the 3 cases?

I think that if is your body, you can realize abortion in the 1000 cases, because is YOUR body, and nobody can tell you what you do with it, because it is completely yours! 
So, I think the abortion should be legal always if the woman wants. 

4- What is your opinion about having an exotic pet at home?

In my opinion, depends on the animal. 
Some animals are exotic but can be domestic, and it is ok. 
But, other animals, no. Because they are dangerous or savage for lives with humans, and they are apart from their natural space. And it  isn´t ok. 

martes, 24 de septiembre de 2019

Blog Post Number 1

My name is Maria Paz Belen Rojas Endretich and I'm 18 years old.
I was born in the OSCAR, in Ñuñoa on december 11. 

At elementary school, I studied at three schools ; Colegio Marcela Paz, Colegio San Francisco de Asis and completed my high school in Colegio San Ignacio College. 
Now I study veterinary medicine in Universidad de Chile since 2019. 

I live with my family in San Bernardo. I live with my mom, Monica, one of my three sisters, Romina and my four pets.(Pulguita, Cloe, Blanquita and Guagua) 

Imagen relacionadaI love walking  with my pets and my boyfriend, listen and dance to different music, stay with my family and see series and movies on Netflix. 
Sometimes I play volleyball with my friends from school and dance cueca in a folkloric group. 

Hope you like my autobiography!