martes, 15 de octubre de 2019

Post 3: My favorite thing

My favorite object when I was a little is a toy called "littlest pet shop". They are a little animals with eyes so biggest and cute.

Resultado de imagen para littlest pet shop logo
I got my first littlest pet shop when I was 7 years old.

I played with these toys all days and everywhere; in the school, the pool,  home, the car, etc.

I liked these toys because I always loved the animals, and these toys are so cutiest, and from all the animals can you imagine, it could be yours. I have a big collection of more than 100!

These toys were so important to me when I was little, because I was a girl with a few friends, and these toys were my distraction all the time :)

7 comentarios:

  1. I used to play with my cousin's LPS! It was very funny and they were so cute.

  2. Hi pulguita!
    its very cute that you liked these toys

  3. i'm had a big collection of littlest pet shop too, i loved this toy when im little :)

  4. When i was little I used to play with them too! they are soooo cute <3

  5. I never had those toys but it must have been fun to play with them.

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
